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+263 77 566 9324

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M - F: 08.00 to 17.00 
Sat:    08:00 to 13:00


Construction and

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Construction and

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Construction and

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Beverages Bottling

Beverages Bottling

Commercial beverages bottling for coroporates, events and personalised functions.
Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
MEDEA-PEGASO INTERNATIONAL in Partnership with Galilee International Management Institute


Water Engineering

Water Engineering

Construction of water storage systems for both agricultural, industrial and residential use.

Strain Engineering

Civil Engineering Company that delves in water engineering, civil work, housing projects, environmental management consultancy and beverages bottling

Construction Irrigation Systems

Reliable construction, commisioning and maintaing of world class irrigation systems

Construction Housing Infrastructure

Housing and infrastructure projects. From surveying drafting of site plans house plans construction, civil work to compleation of projects.

Vocational and Degreed Courses

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered
alteration in injected slightly believable.

BSc Civil Engineering Programme

Invest in your future in the engineering field, without pausing your career. Study at your own pace with a format that fits around your busy work schedule and financial constraints.

Board and Management Training

Learn the essential concepts and principles of corporate governance for decision-making. Attain knowledge of board composition, dynamics, and the importance of good corporate governance.

Water Catchment Resource Management

with the goal of maintaining healthy forest catchments and ensuring the provision of high quality water for various uses.

Customer Services Training

A strategy businesses use to improve the competency of their support team. It involves teaching agents about products or services, customer communication, support software, and more. Ultimately, customer service training seeks to improve the customer experience.

Staff Induction Training

Helping you settle in the new environment and adopting to new command chain and organisational ethics and culture.

Environmental Management Training

Implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS) such as ISO 14001 enables you to effectively respond to growing regulatory and public scrutiny, improve energy and waste management efficiency and cut operating expenses.

Our Services

We offer a variety of service from quantiry surveying, site plan, floor plans, project enviromental impact and viability assesment, irrigation planning and implimentation to construction and commisioning of projects.
Drafting Office

Drafting Office

Site plans, floor plans and infrastructure designs of world class standard. We don't design our own we listen and articulate a design of your dreams.
Environmental Impact Assesment

Environmental Impact Assesment

We all need tomorrow and the environment is tomorrow. Lets asses the impact and benefits of your project against the environment
Quantity Surveying

Quantity Surveying

We peg it plan it  and present it to you

Latest On Training

Strain Business Management Consultancy Services

Specialists in: Civil, Water, Structural, Environmental Engineering/Management, 
Corporate Governance, Corporate Ethics Training, Strategic Planning & Management
Business Development & Contract Management Services. The last half of 2024 has the following training programms scheduled.
We are a Team of Dependable Professionals in Engineering, Environmental management Solutions and Business Management Services.


+263 77 566 9324

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7 Denmark Avenue, Milton Park, Harare, Zimbabwe.